I don’t know what it is with Saint Luke’s East and their lack of communication.. They have been communicating OK to yeah I’ve been communicating OK to me, but these doctors have no clue between each other. They automatically assume that the charts are gonna tell them exactly what they need to know.
I am right back to dealing with the stress of a situation that happened this morning.. My wife spiked a temperature of a 104.7. Her heart rate and her respirations are Elevated. Respirations peaked at 42.. The last issue that we dealt with in this area her respirations hit 52.
Whoever this baby doctor is that I got for my wife, I had just fired him.. The things that he told me basically said that my wife would not make it without a ventilator but then again with a ventilator she may not make it. This doctor has absolutely no clue. I explained to him that this happened before and her Respirations were at 52 and she made it through that period. I am absolutely fed up with these doctors telling me about intubation. I am absolutely fed up With the calls that I keep getting from these doctors, and I feel like I’m trying to buy a car.
I want those of you that are reading this if you ever are in a situation such as this such as this, you stand your ground. Those doctors work for you and your wife, and they are not to demand things from you.
The fact that they are protected Is from any sort of mount practice or litigation is absolutely sickening. In the end every single one of these doctors, we’ll have to give an account before the Lord Jesus Christ. Doctors with God complexes are the most dangerous kind to have caring for your loved one.
My Bible says that God gives life. My Bible says that when Adam was created he breathed the breath of life into his lungs and he became a living soul. No doctors, you do not have the power to give life. No doctors you do not have the power to take life. It is God, and God alone, that gives and takes life. Do not think for an instant that you had some sort of immediate impact is board of immediate impact on someones life. You are used of God. You are going to be held accountable for what you do. I pray to God that you are doing the right thing. You know If you are doing the right thing. You can’t hide it from God. You may be able to hide it for much, but you can’t hide it from God. In the end you will give a count to everything that you have done in this life and every word that you spoke and every action that you have taken up to the point of your last breath. You will stand before a holy righteous just God and give an account! You had better be doing what is right. The Bible says that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. It does not matter whether you believe it or not, it does not negate it.. You will give an account!