You cannot believe it. Is it a dream? Is it a nightmare, that you just cannot get out of? You feel lost. Disconnected. People who thought were your supporters turn against you. Your own church once things were all said and done. They went through the motion. Even your own family. Why me? Why now? Why this way? These are just some of the thoughts and questions and emotions that went through my head at times.
It has gotten much better, the issue I deal with now is that fact that I realized what had actually happened. It was one big giant human experiment. I only have what I experienced personally. Some of you reading this may have similar stories to tell. Others are so blinded and refuse to see the truth! People will label you a nut job or crazy person. I did a lot of research. Learned about a lot of things. I learned that the government had all hospitals in the palm of their hands. Controlling what they could and could not do. They had to follow a government imposed protocol because it made them money. The hospitals made money. 30k plus to put someone on a ventilator. That is why they pushed hard for the vent.
How? Why? Well it is simple.
1. Kick family out of hospitals. Removes all liability.
3. Incentivize COVID admissions ($13k). Bonus!
4. Incentivize putting patients on ventilators ($39k). Double bonus! You may have heard them push multiple times for the vent.
5. In some cases, incentivize COVID deaths ($10k).
6. Ban any other treatment/medication. Definitely. Ivermectin study that just recently came out shows a substantial recovery percentage. FYI I know someone that had multiple heart attacks and malaria multiple times and on a pace maker. Got COVID and took ivermectin and it killed the virus within days! Another on a vent, given ivermectin was removed from the vent within 24 hours.
7. Gag order all medical staff.
8. Ban all autopsies. At this time they are not banning autopsies according to this article. Once again the government is involved and controlling what you can and cannot do. They released a paper on it.
I experienced a lot of what was on the above list Every call that I received was a push for the vent. My late wife texted me that they were pushing her for the vent. They were not taking care of her. She lost over 50 to 75 pounds. Why? Because they were not giving her the proper nutrition so that her body could fight the COVID infection. Once they found out that she was telling me what they were doing on the inside, that was the last time I was able to talk to her. They allowed her phone to die. Lost her charger. Brought another one in. Lost that one. No way to communicate with my late wife. They drugged her with all sorts of drugs. Remdesivir was killing her as much as the Coronaviruis.